Sunday 29 May 2016

What do stars mean to you?

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It's an odd question that isn't it? Stars can mean a great number of things to a lot of different people and cultures.  People believe in stars signs/birth signs, there are references to the stars meaning different things across religious beliefs and lots of people are told different myth and legends about the stars.
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As for birth signs I've always found them a little weird, I'm a Taurus and apparently that means I have certain traits that make me fit this star sign.

Strengths: Reliable, patient, practical, devoted, responsible, stable
Weaknesses: Stubborn, possessive, uncompromising
Taurus likes: Gardening, cooking, music, romance, high quality clothes, working with hands
Taurus dislikes: Sudden changes, complications, insecurity of any kind, synthetic fabrics

I've never really believed in star signs and I'm sure if you were to ask my family and friends they'll agree I'm some of the things listed above and I'm sure maybe that I do have some of the traits above such as being stubborn, being responsible and not liking change, but I have very little patience, I don't like gardening or cooking and I make a lot of compromises.   

Some people make wishes on shooting stars and in modern culture we call the rich and famous 'stars' something I've always found a little silly.

Other people think stars are just balls of gas floating in space. 

 It all depends on what you believe, but the one thing we all know is that if you look up on a clear night the stars are looking down.  

When I was a little I was told that when people or animals passed away that they went to live in the sky and became stars and the most shiny star you could see is the person or pet smiling at you. Even if you you couldn't see them they were always there.

I have always thought it was a real sweet thing to tell somebody and it's one I'm going to pass down to my own children because to me the stars mean hope.

Hope is something that can mean a lot to people to, hope is stronger than fear and if you have hope things can get better no matter what you're feeling. As I've got older I have stuck to that notion of hope and the stars and when I look up the stars are there.

That is why writing the post is difficult, As it says in my profile link I'm visually impaired over the past 18 months I have lost a significant amount of my eyesight. I'm still able to see which makes me lucky, my sight effects my right-hand side, I can't see anything on my right, which also effects my depth perception meaning in real terms the world looks flat, I can't see stairs, dips in pavements etc. I also can't see very far in front of me.

Like I said losing sight has been a gradual thing for me, I have never had perfect vision but the last 18 month has been the hardest, its when I've noticed things I can't see anymore, you don't realise what it is you miss until it's gone and it's true.

Referring to my earlier statement about the stars meaning hope, I hoped that the deterioration in my eyes would stop and as cheesy as it sounds I wished on stars for 20/20 vision something I knew wouldn't come true but hoping is better than being afraid right?

The biggest thing I miss seeing is the stars, I only recently noticed that I couldn't see them any more, I don't know if its my vision getting worse or if I just haven't looked at them in while to notice. Now I have noticed though I miss them. That's where the statement 'just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they're not there' really takes meaning. I know that the stars are always going to be in the sky and I can visit observatories or google constellations if I want to, that stops me from loosing hope.

Like I said at the beginning of this post the question 'what do the stars mean to you?' is a odd one, its one that isn't asked very often and it puts you on the spot a bit unless you really think about it.

So to answer the question in a better, less long winded way, I believe that the stars mean hope, that they mean more, and that can mean a lot of different things. 

So tell me, what do stars mean to you? These is no right of wrong answers and I'm curious to find out what they mean to other people. 

A x